About Us
The Imperial Owners Association of Northern California is a non-profit club formed in 1981 for the purpose of preserving and promoting the Imperial automobile, once the flagship of Chrysler Corporation, as a distinctive luxury car.

The "Chrysler Imperial" was first produced in 1924 and gained its own 'marque' identity as "Imperial" in 1955. The last full-sized Imperial was manufactured in 1975. A 2-door Imperial coupe was also produced 1981-83 and a smaller Chrysler Imperial
4-door sedan in 1990-93.
We currently have 84 members.
Dues are $30.00 per family.

Club activities include car shows, joint meets with other car clubs, and tours of interesting and scenic places which include day trips and overnighters. We enjoy caravanning to these activities and the camaraderie of the members who share a common interest in preserving these classic cars.

The Statewide Annual Meet is held in different California locales and includes a car show, awards banquet, seminars and tours.

The club publishes a bimonthly newsletter which includes announcements of, and invitations to club activities, topical articles on Imperials, and a "for sale" and "wanted" section for cars and parts.

A free sample copy of the newsletter,
Imperial Material,
is available by writing:

PO Box 656
Fair Oaks, Ca. 95628